PWHR Mid-Career Excellence in Women’s Health Research Award

The PWHR Mid-Career Excellence in Women’s Health Research Award recognizes mid-career research excellence in women’s health.
“Better health for all women, trans and non-binary people through research equity, excellence, and inclusion.”
The PWHR Mid-Career Excellence in Women’s Health Research Award recognizes outstanding mid-career investigators who have made significant contributions to advancing women’s health research in any of the four Canadian Institutes of Health Research pillars :
- Clinical research
- Biomedical research
- Health systems and services
- Social, cultural, environmental and population health
This national award will recognize four recipients – one from each of our partner institutions – for their research excellence in women’s health. Awardees will be honoured at a PWHR event, where they will have the opportunity to present their research and engage with leading experts and peers. Additionally, recipients will be invited to showcase their work at their home research institute, further amplifying their contributions and impact.

Am I eligible to apply?
To be eligible for the PWHR Mid-Career Excellence in Women’s Health Research Award, you must:
- Dedicate yourself to research relevant for women’s health as your main area of specialization.
- Women’s health refers to “physical, biological, reproductive, psychological, emotional, cultural, and spiritual health and wellness across the life-course in the context of the unique intersecting concerns related to our bodies, our roles, our social locations, and our identities.”
- For this award, the definition of women’s health research includes research focused on/relevant to females, cis-women, trans women and men, as well as underrepresented gender identities, including but not limited to, Two-Spirit, non-binary, gender fluid, and agender people.
- Be a mid-career researcher (at the time of application, you must have assumed your independent research position 5-15 years ago).
- Be a member of one of PWHR’s partner institutions:
What is the deadline to apply?
The deadline to apply is March 31, 2025.
How do I submit my application?
- Submit your application via email to as a single PDF or multiple PDF files.
- Be sure to include the cover page/checklist.
Can I nominate myself for the award?
Can I nominate someone else for the award?
How many letters of support are needed?
Two (2) letters of support:
- One letter must come from a member of the nominee’s “home” research institute (internal reference).
- One letter must come from a women’s health researcher or decision-maker in the field of women’s health who is from outside the nominee’s institution (external reference).
Who can provide letters of support?
- A member of the nominee’s “home” research institute
- A women’s health researcher or decision-maker who exercises influence in the field of women’s health, is qualified to comment on the nominee’s work, and is external, i.e., comes from outside the nominee’s “home” institution (e.g., from a different university, hospital, provincial or federal government department, or a member of a non-governmental organization)
How many awards will be given?
- Four (4) national awards will be given.
- One award will be given to a researcher from each of PWHR’s partner institutions.
When will the award winners be notified?
June 30, 2025.
These FAQs will be updated periodically. For additional questions, please contact